
Maritime Industry

KROHNE heet u van harte welkom op Maritime Industry 2025 in Gorinchem!

De toekomst van de binnenvaart staat centraal tijdens Maritime Industry 2024. Er zijn een hoop vraagstukken rondom wetgeving en voorschriften binnen de branche. Maritime Industry speelt daar op in met o.a. een kennistheater waarin de actualiteiten zoals digitalisering, nieuwe emissie eisen en de modal shift worden behandeld. TEXT EN - KROHNE looks forward to meeting you at booth A18 Maritime Industry in Evenementenhal Gorinchem.

The future of the maritime sector is the point of focus during Maritime Industry 2024. There are various issues concerning legislation and regulations within the sector. Maritime Industry responds to this with, among other things, a knowledge theatre in which current affairs such as digitalisation, new emission requirements and the modal shift will be discussed.

Event information

20-22. 5. 2025

Průmyslová odvětví
Marine industry


Electromagnetic flowmeters

For all applications with conductive liquids
- From basic to demanding flow measurements, incl. custody transfer and safety-related applications (up to SIL 2/3)
- Designs and liner materials for virtually any application – from potable water to extremely adhesive, abrasive and aggressive liquids
- Large choice of nominal sizes up to DN3000 / 120"

Coriolis mass flowmeters

For all process and custody transfer (CT) applications
- Mass, volume flow and temperature measurement of liquids and gases, density and concentration measurement of liquids
- Secure wireless access via Bluetooth®, even in safety-related applications
- With Entrained Gas Management  (EGMTM): Maintains operation over a wide range of gas volume fractions, even up to 100%, and complex flow conditions

EcoMATE™ Fuel and emission monitoring for seagoing vessels

Fuel consumption and carbon emission monitoring system for ships
- Onboard monitoring and reporting of fuel consumption and key emission data
- MRV compliant and verified acc. to EU regulation 2015/757
- Bunkering verification: monitoring and reporting of bunker quantities in loading lines
