

KROHNE vous accueille sur le salon PETROAFRICA à Tunis !

Spécialiste de la mesure depuis plus de 100 ans, KROHNE fournit des solutions de mesure complètes de niveau, débit, pression, analyse physicochimique et température. Comptage transactionnel, boucle d’étalonnage, prover, système de détection de fuite sur pipeline, calculateur de débit… KROHNE vous accompagne depuis l’étude personnalisée de vos projets jusqu’aux services associés.

Event information

8-12. 4. 2025

Průmyslová odvětví
Oil & Gas industry


PipePatrol – Pipeline Management Solutions

- Comprehensive suite of modules for leak, theft and line break
detection, plus monitoring of tightness and lifetime stress
-  Complete and sensitive protection of oil, gas, water, hydrogen,
CCS and multiproduct pipelines
-  Full scope supplier, from single software applications
to full packages including instrumentation

Electromagnetic flowmeters

For all applications with conductive liquids
- From basic to demanding flow measurements, incl. custody transfer and safety-related applications (up to SIL 2/3)
- Designs and liner materials for virtually any application – from potable water to extremely adhesive, abrasive and aggressive liquids
- Large choice of nominal sizes up to DN3000 / 120"

Coriolis mass flowmeters

For all process and custody transfer (CT) applications
- Mass, volume flow and temperature measurement of liquids and gases, density and concentration measurement of liquids
- Secure wireless access via Bluetooth®, even in safety-related applications
- With Entrained Gas Management  (EGMTM): Maintains operation over a wide range of gas volume fractions, even up to 100%, and complex flow conditions

Ultrasonic flowmeters

For process and utility applications, energy and custody transfer (CT) measurements
- Comprehensive portfolio for gases, liquids and steam
- High temperature and cryogenic versions, variants for high pressure and higher viscosities
- Various designs: From clamp-on devices to multipath inline flowmeters

Radar (FMCW) level transmitters

Non-contact level measurement of liquids, pastes, granulates, powders and other solids
- Measuring distances up to 100 m / 328 ft
- Different antenna options, e.g. for corrosive or abrasive media, high pressure or temperature and applications with agitators
- Also suitable for hazardous areas, Functional Safety (SIL) or hygienic applications

Pressure measurement

Process instruments for pressure and differential pressure applications
- Comprehensive portfolio: transmitters, primary elements, diaphragm seals and accessories
- Ceramic and metallic measuring cells
- For a wide range of industrial applications with liquids, gases and steam


Smart meter valve for flow, pressure and process control
Integrated control valve, flowmeter, pressure and temperature sensors combined with extensive computing power in one single device
Full process control on valve positioning, flowrate, pressure or external process parameters with unique diagnostics
Seamless integration into all automation systems, e.g. 4…20 mA, HART®, PROFINET, Ethernet or Wi-Fi
Simple engineering, installation and operation whilst increasing control quality and plant uptime

Custody transfer metering systems for crude oil and refined products

Metering solution for liquids
- Straight tube Coriolis and ultrasonic flowmeters to minimise pressure drop
- Systems with mobile or integrated master meters, uni- & bi-directional ball provers or small volume provers
- Comprising flow metering skid, flow balancing, metering control cabinets, sampling and analyser systems, including all supervisory and validation software
